Monday 8 April 2019

Fuel Stops on the NC500

A lot of people ask about petrol stations on the route. It is a worry for people who are new to the Highlands and they are unsure what to expect and concerned that they may run out and not be able to find somewhere to fill up. 

In order to put your minds at rest I have compiled a group map for our Facebook Group which will show you where you can fill up. If you click on a location you will also find opening hours and other information. I am trying to add pictures of each petrol station as well as telephone numbers and other useful information. 

The map is not yet complete, but all petrol stations are on there, although not all have complete details yet.

The longest stretch between fuel stops is 46 miles and that is between Brora and Wick. It is a good idea to keep your tank half full and keep topping it up as you go around the route. I like to pop into small village petrol stations, stick in a tenner even if I don't need it, buy a few bits from the shop and have a chat with the locals to get some advice and tips on the area. My favourite petrol station is in Laide, a great wee fuel stop and a shop and a post office too. Supporting these little businesses helps locals and also keeps them open for everyone who uses the route.

To the left is a picture of what the map will look like when you click on the link to open it. You need to follow the link as this picture is just here to give you an idea of how many places there are to buy petrol on the NC500.

As you can see there are plenty and I have included some which are off the beaten track as you will want to divert off the route a little to explore each area properly.

Smaller filling stations will be a little more expensive, but remember that you are helping these remote communities, and that is really important. Click on the link below to get the interactive map to open.

I have updated the map to include LPG locations. These are marked in red. These are the only places that I have been able to confirm that LPG is still currently available. If you know of any other places please message me via our Facebook Group and I will add them to the map. The LPG stop in Ullapool is not at the service station. It is on the industrial estate and I have included the postcode and telephone number in the saved details. It is closed on Saturdays and Sundays but if you call this telephone number (different from their regular number) 01854 612290 they may be able to assist you.